Most of the time we define love as a strong affection or attraction. We are so drawn to someone because of their strengths and interests. Affections are a product of our feelings or emotions. So it is safe to say that our love for someone can change depending on how we are feeling or what emotional state we are in. This is referred to as natural love. This love also depends on the love of someone else. We find it hard to love someone if they don't love us. This love has all the properties of the world we live in. It is subject to change due to circumstance. It can change from love to hate. So it is ever transforming because it is affected by the environment around it. Again, we see that love as we know it in the natural is unstable.
Let me tell you of a love that is indestructible and everlasting. This love has no boundaries and it is not affected by natural circumstances. This love has the ability to drive fear out of your life and give you confidence that will never fail. The love that I am referring to has spiritual properties. It is not affected by our feelings or emotions. It can not be moved by circumstances. We find a definition of this love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
This love has the ability to endure for the time it is needed and built into it is all the tools to achieve or overcome any circumstance in life. One of the characteristics is the ability to be patient, which simply means to be consistent. Patience does not look at time because time has no affect on it. What we need to understand is in order to not be affected by the circumstances of this world we have to live above them. In order to live above them we have to grasp the difference between natural love and this spiritual love defined in 1 Corinthians 13. Once we come to a place where we are operating in patience, you will have peace. Patience is a spiritual force that can overcome a lot of the weaknesses we struggle with. When we are patient we will not be envious of others because envy usually springs forth when we desire to have something and have it now. Again, patience gives us the ability to wait.
Another characteristic of this love is humility. Humility is often looked upon as weakness, but let's shed true light on the subject. Humility comes from confidence. Pride comes from insecurity. Pride is me trying to elevate myself above others. Humility is interested in elevating others because it is secure within itself. When we operate in humility, pride and boasting goes out the door. Pride and boasting are not only curtains trying to conceal weakness, but have the power to cause strife and division. Humility does not have an agenda of it's own.
Knowing all that we know now and once all this becomes practical in our lives, we can look at others in a whole new light. We can understand that circumstances can make the worst of people. That is why I like the saying; "don't judge someone unless you have walked a mile in their shoes". This love enables us not only to walk above the circumstance in our lives, but the circumstance in other peoples' lives as well. When we master this, it doesn't matter what other people say or do to us because we have an understanding that they could be different if the circumstances surrounding them where different.
Praying for people is so powerful because it stirs that love up within us. So praying for others not only benefits others, but it also strengthens you as well. When we do this consistently, that love force becomes the driving force of our lives. When we have this driving force operating in our lives, the opportunities are endless. What makes this spiritual love so powerful? In 1 John 4, we see the answer:
"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."
--1 John 4:16
The love I have been referring to and God are one in the same. God is love just as the scripture says and if we dwell in that love we dwell in Him. God is not moved by circumstance nor by what others say or do. He is above all that and so are we when we walk in His ability. That is truly what this love is all about. This love is not our ability, but His working through us. It is this same ability that operated through and in Jesus.
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
--1 John 4:18
When this love is in full function fear no longer has the power or influence in our lives. If you look at an empty glass with air in it as being fearful or full of fear. If you take a picture of water and we will say this represents the Love of God. Once you start pouring the water into the glass it displaces the air in the glass and if you fill it to the top there is no room for the air at all. The same holds true with fear. Once you allow the Love of God to fill your heart, the fear will have no place anymore. Fear is bondage and once fear is no longer a stronghold, you are truly free. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
The characteristics I have mentioned is the true nature of God. God's love is unconditional, unlimited, and everlasting. In this world, people are looking for the wrong kind of love. This is why people are in bondage and are not free. They have no hope because the true nature of God has not been revealed to them. Let them see the Love of God in you. We are the face and hands of God in this earth. Let the most powerful force in this earth flow through you.